Berserk Art Agency is a connector platform for visual arts. We produce, connect and curate.
wat dragen we binnen? / what do we carry inside?
wat dragen we binnen? / what do we carry inside?
Falke Pisano invited me to contribute to the blue gate in M HKA ( Antwerp , Belgium ) ; to make an affective response to the question : welke gesprekken voeren we aan de deur? which conversation do we have at the door ?
recently i had been printing on my clothes ( an act of financial survival and a search for how emotions relate to my own body ) . so i proposed to contribute my clothes to the gate , and a shoe as a stone , wondering if my body was absent or present , not knowing if this shoe made me stuck or move .
Falke and me went into an intense dialogue ( about relations to the art-institutional context ) which became visible through changing the contribution to the blue gate multiply .
Carina Jansen / Sol Enae Lee / gerardo gomez tonda / Lo Yuen Ming/ cara farnan / amy webb / Kaylie Kist / Parva.k پروا.ک / al-yene / Fiachra Corr
in the meanwhile the intense conversations with Falke are still running
at some point in the process , i felt extremely lonely and squeezed between the gate and the wall , so i asked some peers if they were interested to accompany me inside the museum , by making an object to represent themselves , going along with a text or a story ( the text and story will be spread out on the street to strangers ) the object will drive into the museum on a moving shelf . wondering about the meaning of togetherness while feeling extremely lonely .
( start of the reflection about solitude movement : can lonely people , accompanied by their own network create more visibility , place or space in an art-institutional context ? ) .
stories that are not so easy to tell
/ | \ | | \ / \ | / / \ | – AIRY FRAGILITIES
if i would have translated my emotions into words , i would hurt . how do we communicate when ( silence ) ?
( i had been experimenting with a frustration channel before ; a channel for non-violent translations of anger and aggression into sound ) .
so i proposed to Falke to talk with her and the wider public through movement and sound . accompanied by Nazaré waves ; the giant-wave place where i go to talk with the ocean to create a deeper understanding of emotions .
a 45-minute dance-sound-video performance , a non-verbal expression during the event Stories that are not so easy to tell . responding to notions of solitude , togetherness , invitation , control , a shoe as a stone , crossing boundaries , stepping into an art-institutional context and its limitations , different positions and complications , …
( not filmed , i explicitly asked for it ) ( maybe the camera already holds a danger in itself ? )
photo credits: Karen Vantvelt