Berserk Art Agency is a connector platform for visual arts. We produce, connect and curate.

(nameless publication— 1)

interactive performance – 2022

(nameless publication— 1)

participating artists
@No.More.Later ( Gizem Üstünur and M.C. Julie Yu )
Angelina Kumar
Carina Jansen
Charli Herrington
Kaylie Kist
sin wah lai 阿步
Parva.k پروا.ک
Winston Nanlohy

TIME maart 2022

ABOUT struggling with the question : when restrictions exclude people , is it possible to include the excluded ? ( course leader of the international master fine arts , Annette Krauss , applied for post-corona funding . to receive a part of the funding to show work , the artwork should be visible in Utrecht . with a small group we started figuring out ways to connect as much alumni , graduation year 2020- 2021, with a geographical distribution ) with a format of 100 envelopes , in agreement with and according to the concept of Isabelle Vanhoutte’s HARMONIE ( magazine ) ( 2010 – 2013 ) ( who invited me in 2013 to take part of ) , nameless publication started as a way to include artwork of people who were no longer living in the Netherlands . ( and i got in touch again with the repetitive work i had been doing , and loved to do , before )

FORM 100 B5 envelopes ( textile , painted )
CONTENT expression of a story without limits as long as there is room for all other participants in the envelope question : where are you now?

photo credtis: pictures by Al-yene Vinokurova + Karen Vantvelt
aerial photo: Wim Cappaert
